Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Hear it for Wildlife Conservation

I'm finally going to give my passion for wildlife conservation a voice and a venue by pulling together all the resources that inspire me so I can share them with like-minded humans. I hope to proliferate knowledge about the plight of various species that need our help, but also to examine how ordinary animals and ordinary humans are increasingly working together in extraordinary ways every day.

Join me as I scour the planet and shine light on every organization that is making a difference for wildlife conservation and/or facilitating the great work that humans and animals create together to improve life on earth.


  1. Is it true that your passion for saving animals comes from watching your parents capture spiders with a cup and a piece of paper, (while reassuring them that they were being taken outdoors where they belonged)?

    I am wondering if the people you are highlighting had the same sort of upbringing!

    I can hardly wait to see who is coming next. Thanks, Nancy, for sharing your passion with the world!

  2. You are my inspiration to share my love too WATER!!!! I just published in our local Sierra club an article on water conservatiuon-needs to go on my blog. THANKS- Nancy!!! GREAT BLOG!!
